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Product Safety Gold Award

European Commission

Product Safety Gold Award 2021
In March 2021 the European Commission announced its biennial EU Product Safety Award competition, with participants invited from 31 EU/EAA countries.
Launched in 2019 this prestigeous Award shines a light on companies which do their utmost to protect consumers, setting an example which can inspire others.

The Award Ceremony to announce the Winners was held in Brussels in September 2021


Paphos business Safe.T.First Pool Safety Ltd was presented with a Gold Award in the Vulnerable Consumers Category, SME sub-category.

Product Safety Gold Award 2021

Other competition finalists at the Ceremony included household names like Ikea, Proctor & Gamble and Maxi-Cosi.

The Award Ceremony to announce the Winners was held in Brussels in September 2021

For a small Cyprus company to win a Gold Award alongside such eminent participants can be considered an incredible achievement.

Safe.T.First Managing Director, Lloyd Owens, was presented with the Gold Award by His Excellency Mr Stavos Hatziyiannis

Safe.T.First Managing Director, Lloyd Owens, was presented with the Gold Award by His Excellency Mr Stavros Hatziyiannis, Cyprus PSC Ambassador to the EU.

Also present at the ceremony was European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders.